

Karma endures into the next life. So.. Let’s not leave unfinished business for the next incarnation, and instead, let’s offset the karma we currently bear through ‘good deeds’ in this present world. A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple that come back to you. You know? I believe there’s no one without their own deeds. As Gandhi put it,

“even if a few drop of the ocean are dirty, the ocean doesn’t become dirty.”

So, it’s probably best to refrain from passing judgment on others in the name of justice.

Having gray-blur areas is perfectly fine 6 necessary. Don’t worry, you can balance things out in the days to come. Therefore, don’t lose your humanity. Humanity is an ocean as like above. Trust in humanity must never be lost, whether it’s in yourself or in others. Forgiveness is possible, I’m sure of it. Forgiving both your-own-self and also others opens up a world of possibilities.

In this world, there are only good people and those who doesn’t matter. There’s no need to accurately label ‘bad’ people as such, and those individuals who don’t concern you can simply be let go.

